MAX named on Diversity Council Australis's list of Inclusive Employers

Published by MAXSolutions on November 07, 2023
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MAX is proud to announce we have again been recognised as an inclusive employer by the nation’s independent peak body for workplace diversity, Diversity Council Australia (DCA).

The DCA has been tracking diversity and inclusion in the Australian workforce since 2017 as a very visible way to promote the advancement of more inclusive and diverse workplaces.

This year, a record 82 organisations were recognised across a variety of industries all over Australia.

The DCA in partnership with Cultural Infusion, produces an Inclusive Employer Index which enables organisations to assess and monitor the state of diversity and inclusion in their workforce.

To make the list participating organisations must prove their commitment to diversity and inclusion by having employees complete an in-depth survey to map the state of inclusion in their workplace – and produce results that exceed national benchmarks on a series of key measures.

Darren Hooper, Country Manager – Australia, comments:

“I am proud to work in an organisation that is leading in diversity and inclusion.  Being an Inclusive Employer is a badge that represents all we stand for at MAX and we are proud to be committed and active in workplace diversity and inclusion.

“By nurturing an inclusive culture, we can unlock the full potential of our workforce, fostering an environment where everyone can thrive, and in turn, drives our success.  Our diverse workforce at MAX is a reflection of Australia, with team members represented from different backgrounds, cultures, religions, sexual orientations and more.

“We will continue to investigate how we can incorporate perspectives from diverse populations in our business going forward.”

MAX Snapshot -

79% of MAX staff believe they work in an inclusive team. This has improved on last year and is significantly above the Australian Workforce average (46%). MAX also employs people with disability at almost double the national average at 17%.


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