Cultural connections key to empowering healthy choices

Published by MAXSolutions on August 31, 2023
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There is a strong link between lack of health knowledge and poor health outcomes. 

Whether that be an inability to effectively self-manage health conditions and diet, or a lack of awareness about positive healthy behaviours.

For many women around the globe, access to this type of information can be difficult to access for cultural, religious or socio-economic reasons.

For some women who seek refuge or migrate to Australia, the challenge of learning the English language can present another barrier to good health.

That is why our Skills for English and Employment (SEE) classrooms seek partnerships that can deliver culturally and linguistically appropriate services to aid our students.

Ishar is one of those organisations that help empower our female students in Mirrabooka to grow their health knowledge.

By providing a range of holistic services, delivered in their native languages, Health Promotion Officers from Ishar help to break down the barriers and some of the stigmas surrounding women’s health.

Female MAX employee delivering a women's health class

Many of the students at Mirrabooka are very family-focused and have limited exposure to the wider community. 

When they deal with health issues, it is usually centred on their family first, with their needs coming a distant second.

Having an opportunity to discuss relevant health topics that were more sensitive to them in a safe space is one that many of the students valued.

Students also told us they appreciated the range of information Ishar shared about local events, community groups and where they can go to access relevant information in their own language.


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