MAX Foundation donations to support valuable Australian charities

Published by MAXSolutions on August 03, 2021
Image courtesy of Sir David Martin Foundation


MAX Solutions is delighted to announce it has made donations totalling $30,000 to support four valuable Australian charities.  

MAX’s charitable arm, the MAX Foundation, makes regular donations to worthwhile causes, with employee contributions matched dollar-for-dollar by the company.

In its latest round of donations, the MAX Foundation has donated $5,000 each to Sir David Martin Foundation, which helps young people in crisis and Cystic Fibrosis Queensland, with another $10,000 each given to Guide Dogs SA/NT and veterans charity Buddy Up Australia.

The donations will help:

  • provide safety, hope and opportunity for young people in crisis who come to Triple Care Farm funded by Sir David Martin Foundation 

  • people living with cystic fibrosis in Queensland

  • Guide Dogs SA/NT’s Neurological Vision Service alleviate the challenges met by individuals who have experienced an acquired brain injury

  • the vital work in connecting Australian current and ex-service personnel to their community through purposeful volunteering with Buddy Up Australia.

Managing Director Deborah Homewood said: 

“Each of these charities make a lasting difference to the lives of the people they come into contact with and their work aligns with our mission to give every person, every chance.

“Many of our team help customers who are effected by the issues that Sir David Martin Foundation, Guide Dogs SA/NT, Cystic Fibrosis and Buddy Up Australia work with.

“We are grateful beyond words for the positive impact that these four wonderful charities are having within the communities we serve.”


The MAX Foundation is dedicated to helping communities across the country. It provides grants to charities that support vulnerable communities, including disability, mental health, homelessness, migrant services, community support, employment and more.


Image courtesy of Sir David Martin Foundation


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