What are the benefits of a short course?

Published by MAXSolutions on September 19, 2018
short course article image - older man happy in classroom

Short courses are a great way to kick-start a new career or provide momentum to change into a different one.

Whether you are looking to find a profession after high school, re-enter the workforce after a break or just switching up your career, a short course could be the perfect way to do it.

There are many short courses out there and they cover a wide variety of occupations, skillsets and interest areas.

No matter your career goals and interests there is sure to be something that is right for you.


What is a short course?

A short course is designed to give you a balance of theoretical and practical skills to prepare you for work.

The skills you learn will depend on the short course that you are doing and can be broad, or specific to the industry you are interested in.

These types of courses tend to be anywhere from 4 weeks to 6 months in length and can be delivered by registered training organisations, Universities or even local businesses that also deliver training in their industry.

Due to the shorter length of these types of courses, many have low fees or can even be free depending on your personal circumstance.

To find out if you are eligible it is best to chat with your Job Coach to see what supports are available to you.


Why should I do a short course?

A short course can be valuable for many reasons:

  • It gives you a “taste” of an industry or occupation to see if it is right for you.

  • They have flexible delivery options.

  • They get you the skills you need in a hurry.

  • They prepare you for further study.

If you haven’t studied before or have been out of education for a while, a short course can also be a good step towards further study or training.

Can a short course get you a job?

The skills you gain through a short course can be the difference between you having your resume passed over or getting an interview.

When you do get the chance to interview you can be confident with your set of newly developed skills.

Some short courses may include work experience or training at a business. This gives you a great chance to impress a potential employer as well as real-life experience.

Can a short course get you a qualification?

The focus of a short course is to get you skilled for work and get you employed.

So, it will depend on the type of short course whether you will get a qualification directly from the course you complete.

However, many short courses could lead to further study and count towards higher level qualifications.

So even if the course you take initially doesn’t give you a qualification, short courses can prepare you for and open up more opportunities in the future.

What are the best short courses?

To better the chances of a long and successful career, it is best to think about what you want to get out of life.

Having a clear plan in mind makes it easier to work out which kind of short courses will provide the best outcome for you.

Doing some research on different types of careers will also help you make a decision.

Checking out Mycareer could be a good place to start.

Speaking to your Job Coach is another good option to help with your decision as they have some understanding of your personal circumstance and goals.


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