Being alone at Christmas

Published by MAXSolutions on November 14, 2021
alone at christmas

Christmas can be a lonely time for a lot of people. Because it is a time that people usually spend with family, being away from family can be extra hard. If you are alone this Christmas, consider asking a friend or colleague whether you can join in their festivities.

Most families are very welcoming of someone who is alone at Christmas time.

Consider joining an orphans’ Christmas Day. This is when a group of people who are away from their families get together to celebrate Christmas. If you don’t know of any orphans’ Christmas events consider hosting one.

It doesn’t have to be a large or elaborate affair and you can hold it in a public place, like a park or restaurant if you don’t have anywhere suitable.


Handling grief at Christmas

If you have lost a loved one, Christmas can be a time that brings your grief to the surface, particularly if your grief is recent.

Some families in this situation create a tradition or ritual each year that helps them to remember their loved one and celebrate their life. They might light a candle, plant a tree or do something that person loved to do.

It is a good idea to do this with those who loved that person most; to take some time to talk about that person’s life and support each other in your shared grief.

If you are on your own, it can be helpful to do some of these things even if you do them alone; and take some time for your grief. Remember your loved one and what made them special. Think about what they loved about Christmas and incorporate that into your day if you can.

It is unrealistic to expect everyone to understand your grief on what is usually a happy day. Plan your ritual or tradition for a time when you will be alone or around those who will understand.

You can always talk to your EAP counsellor about your grief and ways that you can remember and celebrate the life of the person you have lost. Book an appointment by calling 1800 629 277 or email


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