Following up a job application

Published by MAXSolutions on July 29, 2021
Following up a job application

So you have hit the apply button and the waiting game begins. Many people think that’s it and wait to hear back. But following up a job application is a good way to improve your chances of securing that role.


If you haven’t heard anything in a week or two sending a follow-up email is quick and easy and gets your name in the minds of the recruiting team. You don’t have to get too complicated with the email you send either.

Maybe something simple like this:

To Whom It May Concern, or if you have a contact name use Dear [Contact Name],

I applied for the position of [Role title and date applied]. I wanted to follow up and confirm that my application was received and when I can expect a response regarding my application. I am excited about the opportunity to apply my [relevant skills] and look forward to discussing my potential future as [role title] with [company name].

If I can provide any further information regarding my suitability for the role please don’t hesitate to reach out. I can be contacted on [phone number].

Kind regards [your name]


Give them a call

If you have been given contact details for the person in charge of recruiting for the role, it may be better to just follow up your application with a phone call. You want to give it some time before you call but you don’t have to wait as long as emailing, three to five days should be fine.

This is a chance for you to ask a few follow up questions about the role and show your interest in the position. One thing to keep in mind, however, is the person you speak to may perform an impromptu telephone interview, so it is worth being prepared just in case.

If this does happen it is unlikely to be very long or in-depth so extensive role-playing before the call probably isn’t needed. Just make sure you have some good answers to standard questions about the role up your sleeve.


Apply for more jobs

That job you applied for may be perfect for you and you might be the perfect fit but, you shouldn’t just stop there. There are no guarantees of any position no matter how promising it seems so you should still be looking.

The recruitment process for some roles with bigger companies can take months and if you were to find out you didn’t get the job you have may have missed some great opportunities in that time.


What if I didn’t get it

That’s ok, it may sting a little but you can turn this negative into an opportunity if you have the right mindset. Make sure to ask for detailed feedback as to why you didn’t get the role and that allows you to do two things:

Plan – Knowing where your weaknesses in your application where you can now work on these skills to ensure you get the next opportunity. That could mean taking a short course or doing some volunteering to gain new skills or it could mean some longer-term study. Use this roadblock as a chance to grow.

Reflect – Is this type of role the right one for your particular set of skills and experience? If the feedback means you need extra training or study are you willing to undertake it? Having a think about these types of questions will either confirm your current path or set you on the one that is right for you.

Remember there are always more jobs out there so keep your head up and keep applying!

Do you need assistance in other areas of job-hunting? Need help with what to wear at an interview or need some help with how to be confident in an interview

For any questions that our online resources don’t quite cover you can also always speak to your consultant for some personal advice.


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