Ready to find work?

Employment support for school leavers and students with disability

We provide support to students, parents and carers to ensure students have the best opportunities as they prepare to leave school. Providing the right level and type of support is important to make sure that the work you do now aligns to your goals for the future.

School Leaver Employment Supports (SLES) are available for eligible Year 12 students under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). If you require supported employment under the NDIS, we can support you as you prepare to leave school and create a plan for your future.

If you are leaving school and have a disability, you may be eligible for Disability Employment Services (DES). These services help you prepare for work by linking you with appropriate health support, training and potential jobs.

NDIS School Leavers Employment Supports (SLES)

Year 12 school leavers with disability and eligible for SLES can receive individualised supports to build skills and assist in confidently transitioning from school to employment.


We get to understand your goals and together we’ll set a plan to achieve them.

Build skills and confidence

Participate in activities to build your independence and confidence.

Prepare for the next steps

Whatever is next for you, we’ll be there to help you move forward in your journey.

Disability Employment Service (DES)

Connecting people with disability, injury or health conditions with the support they need to find the work they want.

Understanding you

We take the time to get to know you and together make your unique plan.

Finding work

We use our local, state and national employer contacts to find work that suits

Empowering through support

We support your journey while job searching and after you've found work.

Program for Students with Disability (PSD)

We also provide assessments to determine students’ eligibility to apply for support through Program for Students with Disability (PSD) in the categories of Intellectual Disability (ID) and Severe Language Disorder with Critical Educational Needs (SLD-CEN) including Childhood Apraxia of Speech. 

Supporting Victorian Government schools

Providing PSD assessment services for schools in the categories of both ID and SLD-CEN.

Professional reports

Comprehensive reports delivered in a timely manner to support applications.

Additional resources

Information on ID and SLD-CEN to help schools better support students.