Workplace health: Adapting to change

Published by MAXSolutions on May 22, 2023

Change can be scary. Particularly big changes. Some people struggle with the rate of change that is occurring in their workplace.

They feel as though as soon as they have adapted to one change, another begins. It can be exhausting, confusing and unsettling.

People react to change in different ways. Some people ignore it for as long as possible; others are more willing to tentatively try out something new.

And which one of these you are may depend on the kind of change you are experiencing.

The way you react to a change in technology might be different to the way you react to a change in process at work.

Evidence suggests that a lot of factors can impact how quickly and easily you will adapt to the change.

While some of these depend on factors you cannot control (such as the way change is introduced and the change itself) there are some things you can do to help yourself adjust.

Let's find out some ways we can better manage change in the workplace with Registered Psychologist, Chris Pastor.



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