Understanding Intellectual Disabilities and Associated Resources

The resources below have been collated to help with understanding Intellectual Disabilities.


There is a lot of information available to help support you in working with children diagnosed with different conditions.

This advice is generalist in nature, and parents and teaching staff should seek advice from a registered psychologist for more specific information and to assist in understanding a child’s unique profile of strengths and learning needs.

This fact sheet from Assessments Australia is for parents and teachers and outlines the cognitive assessment process.
Intellectual Disability Fact Sheet for Parents and Teachers

The following is an excerpt from the ebooklet Working with children with an intellectual disability by Murray Evely and Zoe Ganim. 
Intellectual Disability

Leading Learning 4 All is a website that outlines how schools can enable students with a disability to maintain engagement with the curriculum with adjustments and student support. 
Leading Learning 4 All

This handout from Leading Learning 4 All outlines how students may be affected by a cognitive disability as well as strategies schools and teachers can use to support students.
Cognitive Disability